AI for Mere Mortals

A Critical Look at Time Magazine's AI 100 List 2023

September 08, 2023 Kabir Season 1 Episode 7

Time Magazine published an "AI 100" list of influential AI experts, but over half of the names were unrecognized by major AI systems. This suggests some questionable selections.

Notable omissions include Emad Mostaque, founder of Stability AI behind Stable Diffusion. His absence is glaring, given his recent impact.

The author provides an alternative top 10 list of established AI researchers making significant contributions: Geoffrey Hinton, Yoshua Bengio, Yann LeCun, Demis Hassabis, Andrew Ng, Elon Musk, Kai-Fu Lee, Sam Altman, Stuart Russell, and Ilya Sutskever.

The unfamiliar names and omissions on Time's list raise concerns about inconsistent criteria and the selection process. More work is needed to document AI pioneers accurately. Lists like these are subjective but should feature well-known experts.

The author is developing an AI-powered but human-curated database of top AI experts at CPROMPT.AI to provide reliable, verified profiles of leaders in the field.

Here is the blog post:

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